Library Catalog:
Find BOOKS owned by the EMU library
Library Catalog:
Find BOOKS beyond EMU
The Michigan eLibrary Catalog, MeLCat, is a catalog of the book, audio, and video holdings of about 300 Michigan libraries. If you've searched the EMU Library catalog and found that an item is either not owned or is checked out to another user, you can search MeLCat. If you find the item in MeLCat, and it is marked as available for loan, you can request that it be sent to the EMU Library for loan to you.
Perhaps just as interesting, if your local public library participates in MeLCat, and if you have (or obtain) a library card from that library, you can: 1) choose your local public library (instead of EMU) on the MeLCat login screen, and, 2) enter your public library card number (instead of your EMU E-number) on the MeLCat login screen. If you login to MeLCat with your public library account, MeLCat will deliver your requested material to your local public library (and not to the EMU Library.)
Go to MeLCat or see more about it.
WorldCat (via FirstSearch) lists the book holdings not only of EMU, but also of the U.S. Library of Congress as well as about 10,000 other institutions, including academic and public libraries.
Find a specific (known) PERIODICAL (Journal, Magazine, Neswpaper)
a specific (known) PERIODICAL ARTICLE
Find PERIODICAL ARTICLES about a topic (when you do not know specific articles)
When looking at the results screen of an EMU Library database search, you
want to answer the question "Which articles are available for me to read
via the EMU Library?" In
general, the library does NOT subscribe to all the journal article content
contained in databases. The FindText+ button ( )
or text link is a technology tool you'll see on database result pages that
can assist you in determining, "Which articles are available
to read via the EMU Library?"
Find ACADEMIC / SCHOLARLY material using free web search engines
While Google offers a well-known, no-cost, web search engine, it also provides a no-cost search engine that focuses on identifying scholarly/academic material on the web, e.g., peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, and universities.
Keith Stanger
Bruce T. Halle Library
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
734.487.0020 x2136 [voice]
734.487.8861 [fax]